名前:Gustavo Dore Rodrigues グスタボ ドリー ロドリゲス
出身地:Juiz de Fora、ミナスジェライス州、ブラジル。
好きなアーティスト:JamiroquaiとRed Hot Chilli Peppersです。最近では、Lo-fi、Disco、MPBに注目しています。
在学中、卒業後にも、Webサポートをフリーランスで働いていました。Granberyと言う 120年以上の歴史を持つ私立教育機関の内部コミュニケーション部門で3年間働きました。
その後、私は博士号を取得するためにKMDに入ろうと思っていましたが、2011年にソニーから面接の招待状を受け取り、ソニーに入社しました。ソニーではプロダクトプランニング部門のVAIOビジネス部門に配属しました。私は、最も売れている製品を担当し、後にデバイスのユーザーエクスペリエンスを担当するようになりました。私のユーザーエクスペリエンスが評価され、 VAIOとAdobeの間でパートナーシップを組むことができました。 VAIO部門がソニーから売却されたとき、私は次のキャリアを探すことにしました。
日本で最大のIT企業の1つで、そこから多くのことを学ぶことができたため、私はリクルートに入社しました。リクルートにいる間、私はJalan、Air Regi、Sumo、Study Sapuriなどの製品をに携わり、最終的にはRPOチームのRecruit Careerで新製品を開発し、次にUXデザイナーとしてリクナビをサポートしました。
Name: Gustavo Dore Rodrigues
Birthday: 1985/06/10
Hometown: Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Sports: Basketball, Handball and Volleyball
Music: Very eclectic. Favorite artists are Jamiroquai and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Recently a lot into Lo-fi, Disco and MPB.
Working career started as a band member playing in a few night clubs and events in my town. Then worked as a web support and after that, for 3 years in the internal communications department at Granbery. A private education institution with more than 120 years of history.
During undergrad, I was part of an exchange program between my university in Brazil, UFJF, and Kanda University for Foreigner Studies in Makuhari. After that I went back to Brazil, worked as a researcher and as a journalist part time until the end of my bachelor.
Got a scholarship from MEXT and was accepted at Keio Media Design Graduate School. Studied mostly Interaction Design. Important projects were: Event Producing, using AR and other high-end technologies for promoting the Burg13 movie theater together with SONY. Media Furniture, creating a mix of furniture with electronics, in the beginning of the IoT movement under a budget from Singapore Government.
While I was thinking to join KMD for my doctorate I received an interview invitation from SONY and joined sony in 2011. They allocated me to the VAIO business division where I was in the product planning division, in charge of deciding and developing concepts for new PC models. I got to be in charge of the most sold product and later own, in charge of user experience regarding hand-writing on devices. Luck to have started a partnership between VAIO and Adobe as well. When VAIO division was sold out of SONY and I decided to look for the next step in my career.
I decided to join Recruit, since it is one of the biggest IT companies in Japan and I could learn a lot from it. While in Recruit I passed through products like Jalan, Air Regi, Sumo, Study Sapuri and eventually ended up at Recruit Career on the RPO team developing new products and support Riku nabi next as a UX Designer.
After a few years I was noticing that people in Japan were very, very unhappy with their work and I decided to do something about it. I started Motify to help companies to create the best environment for their teams. First we started with Culture check surveys and now we are also handling Onboarding and Contracts. I can’t wait to see what we can do next!
As Motify CEO I had the opportunity to work with more than 100 companies HR and CEOs and meet super interesting people through my podcast and
On private, I live in Kamakura, about 15 minutes from the beach, together with my wife and 2 beautiful girls. Love to work from home, community events like mochitsuki taikai or the Border festival, and to play videogames. Actually, I see myself as a big consumer of pop culture, from Game of Thrones to a lot of manga like Kingdom, Naruto or 20th century boys.