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  • 執筆者の写真Gustavo Dore

どうやってデザイナーを管理し、チームの力を最大限に生かせるか。How to manage designers and get the best out of your team.



ここ数ヶ月、私は好きなあることをしてきました。私はとてもこれに向いていて、これまでしてきた仕事やトレーニングの全てがこのための土台を作ってきたと感じます。それは、デザインチームのマネジメントです。 最も肝心なのは、デザイナーが常にクライエントやユーザーの視点から物事を見るようにさせること。そしてこれが最も難しいことでもあるのです。 もちろん、CEOデザイナーとして、私は自分の会社のデザインをいつでもチェックしてきました。しかしシニア・デザイナーを雇用していたので、私はチェックすればいいだけでした。しかし4月から新しい若いデザイナーが入ってきて、彼らには少し違った扱いが必要なのです。





シニアデザイナーはいつでも走り回ってクライエントと話しているのです。 デザインマネージャーとしての私の仕事で最も大切なのは、デザイナーを連れてきてクライエントに会わせたり、クライエントを連れてきてデザイナーに会わせること。人のことを思い出させること。そして彼らのどんな制作も彼ら自身のためではなく、私たちのユーザーのためのものなんだと思い出させることです。


それは、多くのデザイナーが彼らのプロセスをデザインではなくアートとして扱っていることに関係があります。アートは自分自身を表現すること。デザインは、ある特定のユーザーのための明確な課題を達成するために何かを制作することです。 デザイナーとして、あなたはユーザーを調査し、最も大切なことを書き留め、分類し、情報の優先度を整理し、情報の流れを整理し、ワイヤフレームを描き、最後に、ページのビジュアルに取り掛かります。これがプロセスです。

しかし、大多数がプロジェクト・マネージャーと5分間話し合った後、Photoshopで制作に取り掛かります。スクリーン上で整理をしていて、基盤がしっかりしていないため、彼ら自身の美学から情報のギャップが出てくるのです。スクリーン上で彼ら自身を表現しているだけなので、アートのように感じられるのです。 MacやiPhoneを使っていると、無意識にデザインの大半がAppleユーザー用に最適化されます。ユーザーの全員がWindowsを使っているビジネスだとしてもです。年齢にふさわしいデザインというのもほとんどいつも間違え、20歳にとっては当たり前でもクライエントである45-55歳にはそうでないことをしてしまいます。他にも例はたくさんあります。



How to manage designers and get the best out of your team.

How to get the best design out of your team? How to teach and grow designers without minimizing their efforts or attacking their confidence?

For the past months, I have been doing something that I really like. I am good at it and I feel all the work and training I had in the past prepared me for it. I am doing Design team management.

The most important point is to make the designer see from the client/user point of view at all times. And that is the hardest thing to do. Let me clear that, as a CEO Designer, I never stopped reviewing designs for my company. But we had hired a senior designer before and I just had to review. Since April, we have young designers in the house and the way to treat them is totally different.

Let's put some ground rules. There is a huge chance that they know a lot more aesthetics than you do. They will also know more about Photoshop and other apps than you do. They probably have more experience, probably have been doing it since high-school. Some of them also have experience with a video trying to be YouTubers. Some of them will have done some freelance online and are even used with strict deadlines. There is a big chance that they created a cousin’s online shop or created posters for their University festivals.

So you have this designer egg in front of you. She/he is all potential. Why can't I get a design that touches my team? Why can't I get a design that my customers live and become fans? The biggest challenge with designers is that a lot of them choose the profession because they are good at art and in a certain way, introspective people. Most of them would prefer to work in front of a computer instead of running around talking with clients like salespeople do.

What is the difference between a young designer and a senior designer?

Senior designers keep running around talking with clients.

The most important work I do as a Design manager is actually bring designers to meet clients or clients to meet the Designers. It is to keep reminding them of the persona. It is to keep reminding them that any creation they do is not for them, but for our users.

If asked, they all say they understand that. But I have been working with design since 2005, 14 years now, and I rarely meet someone who really does.

Why is that so? It is related to how a lot of designers treat their process as art and not design. Art is expressing yourself. Design is creating something with an objective to accomplish a clear task for a particular user. As a Designer, you are going to study the user, write the most important things down, organize taxonomy, organize priority of information, organize the flow of information, wireframe and finally do the visual of the page. That is the process.

But most of them talk with the project manager for 5 minutes and go to create in Photoshop. Because they are organizing on the screen, and have a little foundation, they start to just come up with the gaps of information from their own aesthetic values. It feels like art because they are just expressing themselves on the screen. If they use Mac and iPhone, a lot of the design will be optimized for Apple users unconsciously. Even if all the users are business using a Windows machine. They will get the age appropriation design wrong almost every time and do things that 20years old find obvious but not the 45-55 years old that are their clients. And the list goes on.

If you want to get the design right without much trouble, hire a Designer in a similar age and situation as the user. Then, expressing themselves will also achieve the user objective on point.

If you can’t, any training with UX design will open their eyes a lot. I do some Design Consultancy if you are ever in need. Just drop me a line on if you need it.



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