自分で自分をダメにしてしまうことについて、もう少し掘り下げてみたいと思います。私の経験では、必要なものを全部与えられると、人は前進を止めます。時間を浪費し始め、仕事が終わらなかったり、目標達成できなかったことへの言い訳を探します。こういう状態の人たちは、役立たずであることがばれないよういつもビクビクして、誰かが自分を降格させようとしてるんでは、と恐れています。これについては、Brene Brownが彼女のNetflixショーで話しているので見てみてください。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr-WvA7uFDQ
この本に書かれています。 A Second Chance: For You, For Me, And For The Rest Of Us(英語版)https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B078KMXXY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ByG2CbK2P9PCQ
What happens when you give all resources, all support, coaching and autonomy to your team? The answer is different from what you think.
I have come to learn that it depends a lot on the employee mindset. Right mindset + right conditions = great work. Right mindset + poor condition = middle work. Wrong mindset + poor conditions = a lot of complaints and blaming, lack of accountability. Wrong mindset + right conditions = a lot of self sabotage.
In those years as CEO of a startup on Company culture and Engagement, I was biased to say that all people, given the chance, would be able to grow in our company. I preached companies to work on improving conditions and mentoring support. I still do. But one thing that has changed is that I thought it was all at the companies’ fault, and now I believe the employee has a lot of responsibility for it as well.
Let me go deeper in the self-sabotage thing. What I learned is that some people, when given all they need, they actually stop themselves from going forward. They start wasting time, trying to find other reasons why the work was not finished or the target not accomplished. They actually fear to be discovered useless, or fear that someone is actually trying to take them down. Brene Brown talks about it on her Netflix show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr-WvA7uFDQ
I had a university professor that used to choose always the spoiled students to be around him. Students from Rich families or with some kind of pedigree. I was there in the middle but I felt different from the others. I am from Brazil countryside from an average family with an average degree. So I questioned his choice of people and his answer blew my mind.
“The students I am choosing is not from their background, I am choosing them because they have confidence they can achieve something. This might have come from their family or their prestigious school, but that is not the point. They have more confidence they can achieve, therefore they just do.”
Turns out self confidence is a bit factor. So every time I get an employee that is full of doubts about themselves, full of doubts about the world, who depreciate themselves, who thinks people are conspiring against them, or for any reason, start to compare around and feel inferior, that employee will be a problem. It will not go very far.
As written in the book A Second Chance: For You, For Me, And For The Rest Of Us (English Edition) https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B078KMXXY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ByG2CbK2P9PCQ
It takes years to create confidence in yourself again. The book even has a program for it, which takes a support buddy a support group and daily routine.
Now you have a choice: grow your team confidence or hire confident people. Too much self doubt around is poison.