「仕事とは」そして「仕事の目的」という事に関する見方を変えることによって、5つの基本原則があることが見えてくるはずです。1- 仕事とは情報の流れ 2- 自分の強みを生かす 3- 極力外部委託/業務委任する 4- 常に自分の職務技能について学び続ける 5- 新たなツールについて常に情報を入手する
メリアム ウェブスター(Merriam Webster)の辞書から引用した私の解釈を記しておきます: 望ましい効果または結果を生み出すこと。
これは興味深い質問で、ほとんどの人はそんなことを尋ねる権利があるのかさえ定かではありません。呼吸をすべきかどうかと尋ねるようなものです。産業革命は、生活水準を向上さようという人間のニーズに基づいて、今日でも十分意味を持つルールを作り出しました。すべての仕事は、一言で言うと、我々の生活を何らかの形で向上させるようなサービス・製品・解決方法 を生み出すことなのです。
2- 自分の強みを生かす。
あなたの強みは何ですか?数字に強い?プランニングに長けている? 言葉での表現がうまい? 自分の主な職務としてそうした強みに注目するのです。アートやデザインが得意でないのなら、そうした作業には手を出さないことです。こうした技能は学習可能ではありますが、それらに時間をかけて習得することで実はチームの仲間に迷惑をかけることになるかもしれないということを考えに入れる必要があります。
3- 極力外部委託/業務委任する。
学習のためのコストに再び戻ります。あなたのチームがあるプロジェクトをおこなうのために予算を30万円、時間を1週間与えられているとします。あなたの時給は5千円です。その新しいスキルを習得するのに16時間、さらにプロジェクトでそれを実行するのに4時間(20x5000円 = 10万円)かかるということを考える必要があります。あなたの学習と3日間の実務に予算の1/3が費やされるわけです。1週間という期限が非常に達成の難しいものになります。一方その専門知識を持った誰かに、たとえ時給1万円だとしても、外部委託したとします。彼らは4時間でこなし、あなたは4万円のコストで半日で結果を得ることができるのです。ほとんどの人々はそうした計算をせずに、何でも社内でやる方が安く問題を解決できると信じています。こうした例ではかならずしもそうではありません。
4- 常に自分の職務技能について学び続ける。
勉強を継続していれば、習得は早くなります。いつでも、練習は大切です。練習すればするほど上達しますから。人々は、自分の仕事をきちんとやるのに必要なことはもうすべてわかっていると思いがちです。実際のところ、すべてを知り尽くしている人など誰もいないのです。あなたと同じ業務分野の他の人たちが開発した、時間と労力を大幅に節約できるなんらかのテクニックというものが必ずあるのです。 世界は広く、他の人々が常に新しい方法を開発しています。効率アップを望むのであれば、自分の技能に常に磨きをかけておかなければなりません。常識に反するように聞こえるかもしれません。一番仕事をしなければいけない時にこそ、立ち止まって本を読んだりクラスを受講したりしなければならないのです。将来それはすべて報われると信じましょう。学び続けてください。
5- 新たなツールについて常に情報を入手する。
最後の原則は実は4番目と重複しています。強調するために敢えてそうしました。私たちは効率アップを目的とするデジタル化、人工知能、オートメーション、ロボット、その他機械化の世界に生きています。人々が大きな仕組みを再考案しようとしているのをよく目にします。必要なことをやってくれるツールがあり、月々1万5千円 かかります。たいていの場合、そうしたものには上司の承認をもらえません。 でもそのツールを使えば毎月20時間の労働時間を節約することができるのです。サラリーが時給約5千円とすると、その業務に会社は月10万円費やしているわけですが、ツールを導入すればそれが1万5千円で済み、余った時間を他の業務に費やすことができるのです。あるいは早く帰宅すれば、会社も残業手当を節約することができます。
Speeding up your work: the basics
If you change your lens on “what is work” and “what is work for”, you will start to understand that there are 5 basic principles: 1- Work is a flow of information; 2- Play with your strengths; 3- Outsource/Delegate when possible; 4- Studying your craft never stops; 5- Always keep yourself updated on the new tools.
What is work?
"Work" has several meanings for different people. I will write here my take on it from the Merrian-Webster dictionary: To produce a desired effect or result.
If you look at work as labor, that is all you will be able to do. Look at it as producing an output. And now your job is not to “do” something, but to “produce” it. Since you are now a producer, you have to think: “What is the most cost effective way to do it?”. Doing comes later, after a plan.
What is work for?
That is such an interesting question that most people don't even know if they have the right to ask. It seems like asking if we should breathe air or not. The industrial revolution created a set of rules that are still in vigor today based on the human needs to increase life standards. All the work summarizes on creating a service/product/solution that improves our lives in a certain way. Being your personal life or living in society, work is for improving our lives.
Ok, now that we agree with those standards, I will try to explain each of the principles in a simple way.
1-Work is a flow of information.
Whatever work you do, you first create a piece of it and pass it to the next person. Even if you are creating it all alone, eventually you will have to pass it to a customer/client. So the best way to be effective here is to understand how the other person will want to receive your information. Would they prefer an excel or a word file? Would they prefer send through email or discussed through a call?
This becomes tricky because sometimes the next person in line might not have everyone’s best interests at heart. They might be just trying to reduce their learning costs by using an old method. I believe everyone needs to be coached on the best process, even your boss. Sitting down with everyone involved and negotiating the best approach should be done every beginning and reviewed every few months.
2- Play with your strengths.
What are your strengths? Are you good with numbers? Are you good with planning? Are you good with words? Focus on that as your main job. If you are not good at art and design, don’t take those tasks. All those disciplines can be learned and you can learn it too, but you have to think if your time spent learning would actually cause trouble to the rest of the team.
Think about efficiency, that is producing an outcome in the minimal amount of time with the best quality. You can learn anything, but you have to ponder if the team can take the time necessary for you to get to the same level that someone with a strength in that area or with experience could do right away.
3- Outsource/Delegate when possible.
It comes back to learning costs again. Think that your team has a budget of 300.000 yenes and a deadline of a week to do a project. Your work hour is 5000 yenes. You need to ponder that if you have to learn that new skill, it might take you 16 hours to learn plus 4 hours to execute (20x5000 = 100.000). So ⅓ of the budget was spent on your learning + 3 days of work. Your 1 week deadline becomes very hard to achieve. But if you outsource to someone with the expertise, even if their hour is 10.000 yen. They might take 4 hours to do and you get it for 40.000 yen in half a day. Most people don’t make that math and believe that doing everything in house will solve all their problems cheaply. Well, that is not how this works.
4- Studying your craft never stops.
If you keep studying you are going to learn to do it faster. Practice is always important. The more practice you have, the better you get at it. People tend to assume they already know everything that they need to do their job well. What happens is that nobody knows it all, there are always some techniques that other people developed in your field that could save you a lot of time and effort. It is a big world out there and other people will keep developing new methods. If you want efficiency you need to keep sharpening your axe. Sometimes it might sound counter intuitive. When you most need to be doing your work, you have to stop to read a book or go to a class. Believe that all pays off in the future. Keep studying.
5- Always keep yourself updated on the new tools.
The last one actually overlaps with the number 4. I did it on purpose to reinforce it. We live in a world of digitalization, artificial intelligence, automation, robots and other mechanisms that support efficiency. A lot of times I see people trying to reinvent the wheel. There is a tool that does what they need and it costs 15.000 yen / month. A lot of times they would not get approval from their boss to such a thing. But that tool would save them 20 hours of work every month. If their salary is around 5000 yen an hour, they are spending 100.000 a month on that task, and now it would cost them just 15.000 yen and they could use the rest of the time to do other tasks. Or even to go home earlier and save the company on overtime pay. That is exactly what we are doing with WelcomeHR. We noticed that people were very ineffective with handling contracts and gathering the info from the employee when they join a company. When people understand efficiency, they subscribe right away. But when they see their job as actually doing labor, as actually printing and stamping paper, as just a cog in the system, there is no room for improvement. They want to keep things the way they are because they are just used to it. When that is the case, there is nothing I can do but preach. Hope this text help some people to change their minds about their work.