Are you sure a side-job is the answer?
Most people who work a side-job are actually reducing their free time and getting more stress than benefits.
There has been a trend everywhere in the world for people to have more flexible work styles. In Japan, the government has been asking companies to accept that their employees have 2 or more careers at the same time by contract.
What nobody talks about is where the time for that second job will come from. It will come from leisure, it will come from family.
If you are raising small kids and have a full time job and still have to take care of the house, maybe that is not the best time to look for a side job.
Maybe if you are a couple over 35 who wants kids and haven’t had the luck to have them come yet, that is also not the best time for a second job.
Some people have different ambitions and want to get a second job to get more fulfillment. They might be an office clerk during the day and work in a bar at night to be able to socialize with different kinds of people. Some might prefer a flexible work life and work 2 days a week in a place and another 2 days in a different place, making enough income and enjoying a 3 day weekend.
But in reality, what I am seeing is people who values themselves very little and choose jobs which pay not enough to sustain their needs. So they decide to do a second job to make ends meet or to have an extra cash. They are always stressed, on the edge of a crisis, under delivering in both of their gigs. Making work that they are not proud of. Several times I had contract workers who just gave up on delivering for having too much work from all their sources.
The point I want to make is that having a low salary and getting a side job might not be the best alternative. If you have the time, train yourself, get a certification, learn a skill that will give you a better paid full-time job.
Have you thought: Why do you work? There are several explanations, from Maslow theory of needs or with the focus of humans as social beings. I like the approach given by freeworldcharter.org on the image below. Once you have money out of the way, people get worried about self-improvement, socializing, enjoying themselves and to help their community.
Have time for family, have time for fun.
At Motify, we changed our policies and reviewed salaries so everyone is paid fair. If they want to do a side job, it is to fulfill their own calling, for the fun of it. Not because they need something else to have a basic life. We are always open to talk and help companies to improve their own environment. Shoot us an email at people@motify.work.