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  • 執筆者の写真Gustavo Dore

外国人 VS 日本人のマネジメント ―人間関係 VS タスク系




私がまずやったのは、その台湾人メンバーに電話をして、チームと仕事に関して一般的にどう感じているかを聞くこと。彼女の返事はメンバーとは正反対でした。「全部うまくいっています! マネージャーとも常にコミュニケーションを取っているし、私のやらなきゃいけない仕事も全部分かっています」




日本社会では、上記のようなことがビジネス以外の分野でも見られます。例えば、映画スターの新井浩文の場合。自宅でマッサージ師に性的暴行を働いたとして逮捕されたとき(まだ裁判中だったにも関わらず)、事務所との契約は解除、主演映画の公開も中止となりました。 また、同じようなことが声優が薬物で逮捕されたときにも起こりました。出演していたヤクザのゲームの販売が中止になったのです。(タダでプロモーションできるチャンスなのにもったいない。声優まで薬物に手を出すほど、ヤクザのゲームはリアルなのに。冗談です)

ハリウッドなら、Netflixとケヴィン・スペイシーの例のように、しばらく出演停止になるかもしれません。 それでも映画は公開されるでしょう。ある程度、芸術作品は個人の生活とは切り離したものだと信じているからです。薬物でも同じような停止処分となるなら、公開できる映画なんてなくなってしまうでしょう。ハリウッドでの境界線はもっと曖昧です。薬物使用はオッケー、性的暴行はだめ、その辺りでしょうか。

Managing Foreigners vs Japanese - Relationship vs Task

In Japanese society trust is very relationship based, while in other countries, trust might be task based. So to make a good business in Japan one has to keep working on their relationships, making friends, going out for drinks, lunches and coffee. But in other cultures, if they are good in their job, if they deliver the tasks well, relationships can be overlooked.

I will tell you a real story that happened with my team last week. One of the new members is Taiwanese and has been in the US for 3.5 years. Some of my Japanese member came to me saying that she is not mingling well with the rest of the team. That it is just "not working”.

The first thing I did was call the Taiwanese member and ask her how she was feeling regarding the team and her job in general. Her reply was exactly the opposite: “Everything is great! I have been in constant communication with my manager and I know all the tasks I have to do.”

The Japanese member wanted her to be more focused on relationships than actually her tasks to create a bond. With the strength of that bond, with time, she could trust her to do her job. But the Taiwanese member, who had several years in the US, thought that if she delivered her tasks well, she would build trust with the team.

There is no help around it. The only thing I can do is explain this culture bias to both and help both to understand the other point of view.

To give you a few extra examples:

You can see this in Japanese society in other areas as well. For example, in the case of film star Hirofumi Arai. When he was arrested for sexually assaulting a masseuse at his home (even though he had been through a trial yet), he lost his contract with his agency and they cancelled the release of a movie he was the main actor.

They did similar things by stopping the sales of Yakuza game after the voice actor was caught with drugs. (What a wasted chance for free promotion, Yakuza game is so real that even the actors do drugs. Just joking)

In Hollywood, they might suspend you for a while like Netflix did with Kevin Spacey Even though, the movie would still be released because they believe that in a certain level his work of art is separated from his personal life. If they did the same suspension due to drugs, there would be no movie released at all. The line there is way more blurry. Maybe somewhere like drug use is ok, sexual assault is not.



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