人よりも目立ちたい、世の中で何か違いを生み出したいのであれば、人を先導する立場に着けばよいのです。生まれつきそういう素養のある人もいますが、ほとんどの人は努力してそうした役割にふさわしい人間になるのです。私は数名のクライアントをもって製品、設計、経営コンサルティングに関わっています。往々にしてプロジェクトオーナーやマネージャーたちに指導する必要があるのは、彼らがリーダー的態度をとりさえすれば、彼らの役割は今よりもずっと充実し、よりうまく行使することができるということです。 すると彼らは必ずその方法を私に尋ねます。
エンジニアたちが何を開発するかはマーケティングの指示を待つ、あるいはマーケティング担当が何を売るかはエンジニアの指示を待つ、というのが一般的です。具体的な例をお話ししましょう。この中規模の美容製品の企業で、ある若い従業員がエンジニアリングからマーケティング、そしてセールスまで、約20人が絡むプロジェクトにたずさわっています。 彼はこのプロジェクトグループで最年少です。たまたま彼は、母親が自社製品の対象ユーザーととても親しくしていることに気がつきます。製品の方向性を検討している際に、化成部の人間とマーケティングの人間との間で盛んな議論がされるのですが、結局どうするのかという最終決断に至りません。セールス担当のこの若者は帰宅すると、母親、叔母、姉、従姉妹たちにその話をし、自分の意見を決めます。
The first one to take a stand wins the crowd.
I have been faced with the same challenge for several years now. Finding people who are willing to take leadership into their own hands. People who want to guide instead of only being guided. When talking with other CEOs, they all tell me the same story.
But this is not only in Japan. I see the same in Brazil. The few times I tried to find leaders there and I found it to be a huge challenge. The problem is that it is a race to the bottom. You can’t be more of a servant than the most servant person. When you go to the masses, there is a lot of people willing to work for little and be a servant. In any country.
So if you want to stand out and make a difference in the world, all you need to do is to learn to lead. Some people might be born with it, but most people work themselves into that role. I work with a few clients doing product, design and management consultancy and, commonly, I have to teach the project owners and other managers that their role could be way more fulfilling and better executed if they just took the lead. And they always ask me how to do it.
I will tell you a secret: The first one to take a stand wins the crowd.
It is very common for the Engineers to wait for Marketing to tell them what to develop or for the Marketers to wait for the Engineers to tell them what to sell. Let me tell you a story to illustrate it. In this mid-size beauty product company, the young employee is doing a project that involves about 20 people, from engineering to marketing and sales. He is the youngest of the project and, by coincidence, he notices that his mom is pretty close to the target user of their product. When discussing the product direction, there is a lot of discussion between the chemistry people and the marketing, but no one makes a final decision on what to do. This young guy on sales goes home, ask his mom, his aunt, his sister and his cousin about it and make his opinion.
The next day he goes and creates a 1 page A4 presentation explaining the direction that they should take. It shows the target audience, the goal and what should be done to get there. He sends this to all 20 people involved. Right away, everyone starts to question him about the data and he explains about his family and friends' fieldwork and asks others to verify with their family too. People start to ask him all the other kinds of questions about why he thinks this or that about the product. Why he chose this and not that direction to put on his 1-page presentation.
Now he is the reference for the product and his answers will guide a lot of the discussion and direction of the project. He might not be the final decision maker, but his leadership in proposing a direction is guiding the result. Being a manager and a leader are 2 different things. He was a leader with the proposal and now his manager will check for the budget and team to see how to make it happen.
I will tell you that: All CEOs are waiting for their team members to become leaders. To propose and run things from pure passion to see the change happening in the world. There are too many followers already, how about leading once in a while?