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  • 執筆者の写真Gustavo Dore




  1. 他のチームのメンバーとは異なる価値観を持った人材を採用したこと。

  2. 信頼のおけない雇用エージェントを利用したこと。

  3. 営業のために異業種の人材を雇ったこと。

  4. ビジョンはあるが、実行力の低い人材を雇ったこと。

  5. 自分の専門分野で非常に長い経験を持っていることが売りである人材を採用したこと。

  6. 二番手でいい、サポート役になりたいと言った人を雇ったこと。

  7. 内向的な人を一度に多く雇ったこと。

  8. 外国の人材を一度に多く雇ったこと。

  9. 日々の営業のために定年に近い人を採用したこと。

  10. スタートアップのために日本で大学を卒業したばかりの人材を雇ったこと。

  11. その人の可能性を信じ、スキルのない人材を採用したこと。

  12. 管理者になることに興味のない人を多く雇ったこと。

  13. ステータスのためにチームに参加しようとした女性を雇ったこと。

  14. 顧客のことを考えない人を雇ったこと。



1 - 他のチームのメンバーとは異なる価値観を持った人材を採用したこと。


2 - 信頼のおけない雇用エージェントを利用したこと。




4 - ビジョンはあるが、実行力の低い人材を雇ったこと。


5 - 自分の専門分野で非常に長い経験を持っていることが売りである人材を採用したこと。


6 - 二番目でいい、サポートすると言った人二番手でいい、サポート役になりたいと言った人を雇ったこと。


7 - 内向的な人を一度に多く雇ったこと。


8 - 外国の人材を一度に多く雇ったこと。


9 - 日々の営業のために定年に近い人を採用したこと。


10 -スタートアップのために日本で大学を卒業したばかりの人材を雇ったこと。


11 - その人の可能性を信じ、スキルのない人材を採用したこと。


12 - 管理者になることに興味のない人を多く雇ったこと。


13 - ステータスのためにチームに参加しようとした人を雇ったこと。


14 - 顧客のことを考えない人を雇ったこと。


* これらを通して私が学んだ最大のことは、自分の直感を信じるということです。私は時間をかけてこれまでの採用で犯してしまった過ちについて考え、次のことを理解しました。採用を決める際に、誰かにセカンドオピニオンを求めて採用した人は後で問題になってしますのです。しかし自分の気持ちが定まっている時は、誰にも相談せずに人を採用します。そうやって集めた人材は最高の人々ばかりなのです。ですから今では、採用について誰かのセカンドオピニオンやサードオピニオンが必要だと感じた時や、その人に2度や3度会わねばならないと感じた時は、その人を採用すべきではないと考えています。そうすると物事が素早く進んでいき、それは私がこれまででした最高の決断でした。




The mistakes I made starting my own team. Even though I come from the HR industry, I did all wrong when I started.

You also have to put it in context about the stage of the company of an early startup with less than 5 people. It is a big list, so bear with me:

  1. Hired people with a different set of values from the rest of the team.

  2. Used an untrusted hiring agent.

  3. Hired people from a different industry to do sales.

  4. Hired people with vision and poor execution.

  5. Hired people which the appeal was that they had a very long experience in their field of expertise.

  6. Hired people who told me they wanted to be the second best, the supporter.

  7. Hired too many introverts at once.

  8. Hired too many foreigners at once.

  9. Hired people close to retirement age for a day-to-day sales job..

  10. Hired a recent grad for a startup in Japan.

  11. Hired people without skills, for the potential.

  12. Hired too many people that had no interest in being managers.

  13. Hired women that were trying to join for the status.

  14. Hired people who did not care about the customer.

But I believe the worst crime I committed was that I did not trusted my guts. Since I started trusting my guts, things took a better turn.

Let me go 1 by 1

1- Hired people with a different set of values from the rest of the team.

They had other skills and I thought that diversity also meant having people with different values. To be more specific, he was a person that believed that married women should not work. REALLY? In 2019?!! I just learned it later or else I would never allow that person in my team. Anyway, he just would not mingle and teamwork was heavily compromised.

2- Used an untrusted hiring agent.

They were just pushing people on us and bargaining for the highest bid. I learned it the hard way. I thought they were our friends and were looking for the best talent for us. That was definitely not the case. If you want to know the agent, message me and I will let you know.

3- Hired people from a different industry to do sales.

I made that mistake 2 times. From average products to IT, the leap was too big for them to learn fast enough before they missed all their targets for more than 6 months in a row. One of them made so little money for the company that I felt stolen. Salary robber (給料泥棒), as they say in Japan.

4- Hired people with vision and poor execution.

Smart and savvy from a famous university. What could go wrong? A lot. No commitment to execution, poor planning and poor team work. How many Vision type people you need in a startup when your team is 3 people? The answer is somewhere between 0.1~0.2, a part of the CEO is enough, even him will be executing most of the time. . 5- Hired people which the appeal was that they had a very long experience in their field of expertise.

They were weak to adapt to the new models and kept trying old ways of their old industry. Nothing worked and they left feeling powerless.

6- Hired people who told me they wanted to be the second best, the supporter.

This is one of my biggest learnings. There is no parameter to define second best. Those kind of people are just hiding from the responsibility of owning their own work. Even if they say they want to be a secretary, hire the one who wants to be a great secretary, not the want who just want to be a supporter. The parameter for the best is the only one people should always follow.

7- Hired too many introverts at once.

I thought, because I am an extrovert, they would complement my skills. I was naive into thinking that introverts would excel in all jobs. But actually there are jobs that your personality needs to match or else, when things get tough, (and they will) you are going to feel like a failure. It’s the analogy of measuring the fish for the ability to climb the tree. Anyway, as you can guess, our marketing sucked hard!

8- Hired too many foreigners at once.

Our clients were all Japanese and we could not deliver a matching product, marketing message and customer support. We were arrogant thinking we did, but we could not understand the culture.

9- Hired people close to retirement age for a day-to-day sales job.

This is a delicate subject, but I think I should touch since it was part of my learning. She was a wonderful person, with an amazing life story and it seemed like we could learn so much from her. Except that we are a small startup and we need fast prototyping and testing, a lot of new ideas and understanding of culture trends, there is lots of failures and uncertainty. Well she was just not open to make the effort to catch up. It is just too much effort.

10- Hired a recent grad for a startup in Japan.

Most japanese universities don’t prepare students well for the job market and most of the training is done inside companies. As a startup with little money and an unproven prototype, the time spent on training the new grad could have been better spent in a different way. As the CEO, having to train from scratch was a little too much for our type of business.

11- Hired people without skills for the potential.

For a small startup I would not recommend it. Your money will run out before they can acquire the skills you need.

12- Hired too many people that had no interest in being managers.

Well, when we had to grow the team, no one wanted to get a subordinate. Therefore I had to force upon people who became bad managers and all went wrong. For everybody.

13- Hired people that were trying to join for the status.

This one was one of the first. Well, when it is not for the customer, for the vision, but just to promote themselves, even if they have the skills, teamwork gets compromised. They demand special treatment but they give little in return. They feel superior than the rest and that is just poison that builds up and eventually explode with people getting their feelings hurt.

14- Hired people who did not care about the customer.

As simple as that, they had no interest in what the customer would say or need. No wonder our churn rate was so high during some times. It took me a while to understand the root to be able to close the holes and stop water from leaking. I believe we are in a better place now.

* The most special learning was trusting my guts. I took some time to think about all my mis-hires and understood something: Every time I asked for a second opinion, the person became a problem. But when I had the right feeling I would just hire without asking other people and got my best people that way. So now, if I feel I have to have a second or third opinion, if I feel I have to meet them a second and third time, it just means they are not the right candidate. Now I move on faster and it was the best decision I made ever.


I managed to get better with time, trial and error. Now I run together with a team that I am really proud of. I hope I can keep getting other amazing people that match well with the rest of the team and with the stage of the company.

Any questions or comments? I would love to answer them in a new blog post.



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