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  • 執筆者の写真Gustavo Dore

うちの会社はスーパーフレックス向き!? これを読めばすぐに判明!!





1- 成熟


2- 説明責任


3- 職場以外の人間関係



As the CEO, I want to run a workplace with super flexible time. What I learned from it.

It is very inefficient, but make the team happy. Make myself happy. And in the end, that is all I need to know.

The Japanese government has a position that goes against this direction. We can see that on how they ask every company to keep a strict track of all the time and submit reports. It is all based on the idea that Japanese employees will abuse and work too much. Working too much has been, for more than 20 years, considered a big issue in Japan.

What happened in Motify? We got Japanese people that worked too little. More than once. When the person was not feeling motivated, they would just not show up or work for several weeks in a row just 3-4 hours a day, instead of the expected 7-8 hours. It would be ok if they were showing results, but they were not. I learned the hard way that not everyone has the will power to just go there and do the work.

In the end, 3 things mattered.

1- Maturity

The team has to be mature enough to understand that they are the owner of their actions and if he/she is not selling well or the product is not going anywhere, it is their fault as well. They need to keep trying other methods, to keep learning from their mistakes. The other option is hiding, not showing up, doing as little as possible. Well, that does not benefit anyone, not even themselves.

2- Accountability

Do the work. That is simple to understand but hard to achieve. In a flexible environment, everyone is like their own boss. You probably will not have anyone checking if the work is being done on schedule every day until the deadline day comes. You have to be accountable and keep doing the work, day by day, and deliver. It is raining, you have problems with your boyfriend, your soccer team lost the championship, none of this really matters. When you look at successful people, you are going to see that those things don’t affect their work. Do the work that needs to be done and that is all.

3- Personal Relationships out of work

Outside of the work environment, those who have family and friends are the best equipped to work flexible. They have a strong reason to go back home on time and staying in the office just to “hangout” is less appealing. What happens in Japan is that a lot of folks have only their work friends. It happened in Motify that once we had a team member that even with family waiting at home, would always look for opportunities to stay later in the office. One day, on one of the 1-1 meeting he said that he felt alone and that we should be drinking more often together to straighten the bonds. When I asked the rest of the team, nobody else felt that way. They had strong bonds out of the work life that were waiting for them.

Just be aware that when you are hiring for a team that works as holacracy, or for a position that allows flexible time and remote work, that you should try to look for those 3 traits in people. My recommendation is always to ask what they do when they leave office. If they say: “Not much, I don’t have any hobbies.” It is an alert, a red flag, that they might not be a great fit for a total flexible work style.

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